The Aller Genie

…is out of the bottle exacerbated by heat, horses, the Yellow Time and a dosage of smoke all the way from California, which remains far far away and far far worse off.

Last week I watched the Obamas after the fact, all reasonable and everything and although after four years I still fail to understand how reason and complete sentences can so hopelessly offend so many of My Fellow Americans I do feel offended and frustrated that the DNC is so

unresponsive to the many, even those of the Biden Generation, who are more sympathetic to

the urgency of Ms. Ocasio-Cortez and her cohort, all of whom were given such short shrift on the tube, screen, whatever; the Party. With such stubborness the Dems may be doomed despite…

All too soon the strident fear-mongering jingoism of Plantation Capitalism was unrelentingly upon us as the Junior Trump explained to the nation how only the quick actions of his Heroic Father saved the nation from the CHINESE COMMUNIST VIRUS [yes he really said that!], his

obnoxious girlfriend* mistook her origins for a foreign country [understandably, since her boyfriend’s father did] and the obligatory third-generation Miami Cuban was trotted out

to declare Biden the Second Coming of Castro.  Which, come to think of it, he is; Fidel returned

home to free his people from mob rule perpetrated by a tinpot despot propped up by a foreign power with no interest in their well-being beyond the extraction of their resources.  Like Biden proposes he promised to get rid of the mob, institute healthcare and education and create an equitable economy…all anathema to the entrenched powers.  Then as now….of course such preposterousness could not be countenanced by the foreign power in question

[nonetheless the Cuba has managed to survive, albeit precariously, some eighty years despite] but whether such a consequence can be accomplished by the ballot box this year in good ol’ boys’ America is a question to be answered in November.  Say it softly, say it loud; “Kenosha Militia…they’re the Americans we need” to step up and protect Disaster Capitalism’s Militarized

Police in their armored assault vehicles when neighborhoods object to yet another of their murders…Protect the Police! Save America!  Beto O’rourke is coming to take away your God Given Guns…and he won’t stop there. We already have the least-educated best-armed populace in the world; WHO is looking out for YOU?  Donald Trump? He could fucking care less, bubba.

As if all that weren’t enuf already our smoky skies continued to perpetuate unease and also

if you’d rather your dog didn’t roll in horseshit try not to have borderline psychotic neighbors who respond to requests that they take responsibility for their animals with delusional threats

and never show up; it’s enough to worry even a puppy**

In response to all that I updated the studio theme music from Moroccan to Mortonian

and Sought Solace in Sewing…skies started slowly clearing, the Repuppetlicans wrapped up their flagfest, the California fires somewhat abated…and the world continued on.

*Ms. Guilfoyle, not merely decorative and coming originally from the “hospitality” industry, is apparently renowned in certain circles for more than mere histrionics.

**Mary Ann’s puppy




6 thoughts on “The Aller Genie

  1. Fred Kolo

    I have been in Cuba three separate times, for a total of just under 6 weeks on the island, been in most of their major small cities in addition to Havana, and seen a lot of the countryside, both from coaches and from feet on the ground. You take on Cuba is on the money. It’s an extraordinary place, and truly civilized in a manner most of our own citizens couldn’t even imagine.

  2. Fred Kolo

    pardon the poor proof reading. that should be “Your take” And Your comments on the home front are also right on the money. I’m more than just a little worried. I’ve been saying for half a year that if the Democrats make the election ABOUT our current president then he will win. Every time they shout his name in a speech they magnify his presence. An adage of old time press agents: “There is no such thing as bad publicity.” I.E. it doesn’t matter WHAT you say about someone, it only matters THAT you say it. And Americans are suckers for fame and celebrity.

  3. kathy moore

    Is there really such a thing as an ‘independent or undecided voter at this stage of American public life? What worries me is that if someone really doesn’t know who they are going to vote for, they might swallow the BS that was spewed at the gopperfest. And why not? It was a gorgeous spectacle! Look at that festive White House and the solemn colonnade of the other taxpayer supported venue used for bloviating…..look at those super cool fireworks spelling out TRUMP 2020!!! TRUMP 2020!!! over yet another taxpayer funded federal site. Who can resist the majesty of it all, the call to do the right thing by the nut jobs in power, the imperial presence of King Trump and Queen Melania!. I feel very uneasy about this election on so very many levels. has been kept so busy with this convention, but sadly, the people who need to read it are the ones most likely to avoid having the scab ripped off. argh. The only hope is for dems to get out the vote. There are more registered dems than Goppers but we are a disorganized bunch. sitting this election out because Biden isn’t AOC or Bernie is a vote for Trump. argh again.ok I’ll stop.

    1. mikesmoore Post author

      At least the oil lobby isn’t surreptitiously running a Relf Nadir in this one but…point well taken. As Michelle Obama succinctly put it we’ll need an undeniable landslide of votes or they’ll steal it anyway; or as DJT said in one of his rare certifiably true statements, “it’s all rigged, folks”.


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