The Friday Following…

The Friday following Santa Fe we made it to the LoPine again as well, well…

to see beyond the suburbs to the valley

…and across it, one rainy eve after another…

until Monday, a day of table-making and preparations for Allison, Cristina, their three year old

boy and soulful beagle for what turned out to be a late night.  The next morning all of them

had to fit into a Honda Fit and head for Pittsburgh just minutes before we

vacated the premises ourselves, less than a week elapsed since Albuquerque,

for the longish

but not entirely lonely road

up to Denver where Wazee, site of our various destinations,

was in disarray.

Linda nonetheless successfully delivered two ‘models’ to her gallery

before we checked in to our hotel for a rest, then made our way to the MCA

where we particularly liked Derek Velasquez’ installation…and other stuff.

Avelina afterwards was excellent, most particularly the squid.  The remainder of the evening

went to TV’s ongoing Trumpathon, a circus without bread to keep the masses at bay.  After a somewhat sleepless night due to dinner’s extraordinary panna cotta, breakfast at the nearby

railroad station and checkout we spent an hour and a half checking out the cellphone lot at DIA before collecting Christine, Luz and Izel, heading south to the Springs and ultimately

George’s Hat in Pueblo for puzzlingly slow service although


the much-anticipated pork and avocado burritos did not disappoint.

Subsequent serial shoppings in the 100+ degree heat

and a most trying trip south due to a car fire on I-25 didn’t get everyone settled in until nearly six…an extremely long day for all which young Izel weathered most heroically.

Thursday’s salami delivery to Dean’s afforded a look at some new work and the two and a half

year old [not shown] again before prepping the toolbox for Daisy, who rolled in mid-afternoon with her boyfriend Don and his charming five year old daughter to visit, meet regarding Linda’s

[not toolbox]

[not Colorado]

2018 show in Colorado Springs and, below, a calm before the storm.

Said storm blew in with the addition of a considerably more manic five year old, rendering the scheduled after-dinner discussion of a separate but contemporaneous Libre/not Libre show all but impossible even before it stalled out in polarization over differing ideas as to direction, punctuated by increasingly demanding toddlers.  An unpromising beginning…

Morning after, more discussion over coffee, the dissenting view not present, less broken toys than expected but no resolution.  In the aftermath I got to thinking that the investigation of the plurality of artworlds evident in even this small sampling would be beyond the scope of the exhibition at hand which, if it happens, needs a curator independent of the community [Daisy; her venue, after all] to select work which gently traverses the spectrum from rigorous “4D” abstraction to self-indulgently encrusted hippy assemblage as discreetly as possible.

To be [or not to be] continued…




14 thoughts on “The Friday Following…

    1. mikesmoore Post author

      You’re quite right; they do represent Manuel [that one was a painted bronze]. So much rain we haven’t been able to dry the mushrooms we’ve picked in abundance; the studio is beginning to smell like very old tennis shoes.

  1. Stephen

    The”self-indulged hippy stuff” sounds like the show
    I can’t wait to see. Joints,bongs,and prizim refracting glasses provided I hope?

    1. mikesmoore Post author

      It may end up more like overworked methedrine-brained junk sculpture [straight from the perp’s personal junkyard] drenched in dayglo; not exactly Bruce Conner but given the legalization here joints and bongs should be readily available…

  2. Kathy Moore

    yikes-high degree of artistic and toddler stress sounds like chaos of the OTT variety….but, wish we had your rain…pretty dry up here in the tinderbox north….

  3. Fred K

    Perhaps about a dozen different, and very different, painters, sculptors, decorators, whatever, could be commissioned to do month-long installations in the space below Derek Velasquez’ installation, ending with a further month of what I assume is already Valasquez’s own preference. Mine would be a full 3D diorama of “The Last Supper”.

  4. Michael Sykes

    We had rain! Two days’ worth after 6 weeks of mind-altering heat. Now we’re back in the cauldron again, big fire in Modoc County, finally, on the western edge by Adin, 67,500 acres now and growing, 35% contained. If and when it comes to Cedarville, we’re headed out to the Sheldon Refuge, Catnip Reservoir, margaritas on the house. Meanwhile, the town is slowly shutting down, halfway to being a ghost town, businesses closing, no one moving in the heat. It’s on its way to being over, yet the Chamber of Commerce continues to meet every two weeks as if it will yet meet its own image, already on the way back, everyone shaking their heads and telling us we might as well pack it up. But some visionaries like myself have put my 1/4 acre with cottage and lush backyard on the market for $5 million (in Seychelle Islands currency) for those city dwellers who have been targeted by North Korea’s first wave of ICBMs. Now’s’ the time to get that little piece of remote country paradise, as well as a half dozen 50mm machine gun emplacements to turn back the zombies who’ll be streaming out of the Bay Area.

    1. mikesmoore Post author

      Catnip Reservoir sounds like catnip to me…if we weren’t having all this trouble drying mushrooms [rains every afternoon] we’d meet you there..will Cedarville survive between Burns? [The Man kind, not the FS kind]…sounding dire over there.

  5. Michael Sykes

    In addition, hope your travel plans include the Aug. 21 total solar eclipse passing over John Day and Prairie City, Oregon, Weiser, Idaho, etc., across U.S. to Charleston and out into the Atlantic. You may have friends in the Path of Totality you can stay with. We’ll be ensconced at the Hotel Diamond north of Frenchglen for 3 days and nights, leaving for the eclipse about 5 a.m. on Monday, the 21st, and hope to get as close to the center line as possible.

    1. mikesmoore Post author

      The Energizer Bunny, dude! He just keeps keeping on…though all this week he’s been at the Sun Dance.

  6. Janet

    That squid was probably caught near me…we have seen them hauling it in morning after morning. We are hot in Austin; went from 68 in Monterey to 108 in Austin. Luckily no humidity. With your exquisite diplomacy, as evidenced in the blog….maybe you could help? Just saying……I am witnessing plenty of those toddler eruptions here, and they are loud!!!

    1. mikesmoore Post author

      Once it reverted to the one [toddler] things calmed considerably, but I doubt my so-called ‘diplomacy’ would be much help with loud multi-toddler eruptions…or did you mean the heat?


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