Monthly Archives: March 2024

Wint’ry returns…

or, winter returned, February’s last gasp being quite wet

with only a brief respite as March began of a Friday

while up above things got shitty pretty quickly

and stayed that way way into the night

…shitty enough to dishevele a dog [no, wait – she’s naturally disheveled!].

With the upper reaches for all intents abandoned it made for some interesting Saturday

CCTV as the storm wore on anyway.  Sunday morning, much the same, it began

to seem,

[unlike here] what

with commercial traffic piling up on both sides, that this was a problem not about to go away.

It certainly hadn’t by Monday with everything still shut down in both directions until they

ill-advisedly if briefly opened it which only ended up much much worse.

Tuesday finally saw some improvements and by the time my brother went over that afternoon the chain controls had been lifted and the road dry…until they tried to get to Incline on 89.

Me I slowly if laboriously packed and Wednesday despite unexpected rain loaded up,

reached escape velocity [and the equally unexpected sun] around 10:11,

stopped at the Vacaville Outlet Stores and although I couldn’t find the jacket

I’ve been looking for only added twenty minutes

to a fairly effortless trip

over the hill

and down the other side.

Gas in Wadsworth, practically no one all the way up 447

to a brief stop at the Limbo turn on the way into Gerlach, small errands,

rain out of town and so

Wall Spring to unload, wearily. That night it rained again on the way to dinner at Parker,

where Dave and I had a lot to talk about including but not limited to Andrea’s movie.  After that, though, no more and now, days later, we are poised to “lose” an hour, allowing eventually for more beer to be sold during that “extra” time waiting for those excruciating summer days to begin cooling down.
