Monthly Archives: June 2023

Twelve days in…

there was finally a Day of Nothing which allowed, just barely, time to go through the photos,

such as this nostalgia for Radar, and at least get them formatted…but, it having already been

six days including yet another sweeping up after dogs, it was definitely time for provisioning

in Alturas, climbing up 447 past amazing wildflowers in the Buffalo Hills which

for sure I was going to stop and document on the way back except it poured all the way down

to the desert, we surprisingly greener this year than Surprise Valley

and turning, after an initially warm week, cool and raining.

Company came for the Memorial Day Weekend and Saturday we all went to Planet X for their

 Big Sale, which was unfortunately rained and blown out [hopefully the rest of the weekend

went better] so we fled home to feast late on the porch [note snout, upper left], previous PXP

mugs ‘n’ bowls in evidence, and celebrate new additions [above] to the Collection, all watched

over by a long-eared owlet…and perfect weather, pretty much, until Monday

when our friends left for, as the late great Peter Booth Breeze was wont to call it, St. Ralph’s.

Quiet at last, if temporarily…

…hence this, jus’ checkin’ in.