Monthly Archives: September 2022

Summer’s gone…

and with it, soon enough [though not before a foray over Fossil Hill and partway up Dry Creek],

the clarity of the air; Idaho’s burning, and the wind finally brought us some of theirs

while upstairs I ruminated on Nevada’s Sheldon Refuge and Swan Lake Reservoir …good enough to convey it [?], good enough for who it’s for [i.e. me] though I may have inserted the

trees*.  Although google [ah, google…] didn’t seem aware it was there** with my 1981 Vya USGS

1;100,000 metric from the late lamented Ace Reliable in Winnemucca I found it just fine.

Allergenic and hot we only made it up Fossil Hill the next day but Friday, cooler if ever

more occluded, we went a little further up the creek

where dogs, encountering Others, were Badly Behaved.

Next day all that smoky warmness disappeared into a chill moist cloud

wet to walk in

but fine weather for those cool with Wet

while we humans sheltered in place with fires all day despite September. The mists retreated

downvalley in the wee hours of Sunday, revealing a full moon settling over the Knoll and morning was bright…good for laundry and a repeat of our forest foray

as far as before

tho further will have to await another day…

Monday was similar though we did have a nice long visit with Muriel as she walked up on

her way to check the water while we returned to lunch and the usual Nothings.

A good run of them…


*Maybe they’re cows…but not likely as thanks to the mad machinations of Jon “Cows off the Land” Marvel the Refuge is overrun with unmanaged feral horses while to the south gas pipelines routed through equally cowless WSAs to bypass the regulatory strictures of the energy corridor into California helped finance those ignoble efforts…his proud legacy living on in the Western Watersheds Project, maximally antagonizing all sides.

**Actually if one searches for Swan Lake by name it comes up, but if one’s searching the google map to find out what it’s called it doesn’t unless one uses the satellite option and remembers – ah! – where things are…no problem then.  We all remember where everything is, right?