Monthly Archives: May 2022

If you don’t like Nevada weather…

look out the other window*

at the tamarisk in bloom, say

…or take a breezy morning to unload at the burnpile before

scattered snow showers and a

familial Mother’s Day Facetime call.

After which the blizzardings became more serious

if equally unpredictable;

[these are all sequential over just two days]

The Boy in BC was meanwhile planning and making things well above my paygrade

while here we eased into several days of worrisome Waitings…springtime morning

sunshine but then, after taking the washer to its new home at Planet X, weather

and uncertainty awaiting Word from the Road

as to where “Cloak of the Motion”, on its way from Colorado Springs, might be.

Turns out it was in Winnemucca at 2:45 as the conveyors, modern people disdainful of paper maps, were using an urban crowdsourced app for directions.  Apparently a wonderful thing for navigating from, say, Culver City to Covina, it told them Gerlach was less than two hours away via the Jungo Road.  True enough [I made Wall to Winnemucca in under two hours last March and still had time to change a tire in Sulphur] if you average 60+mph over ninety miles of graded gravel [risky for tires] but with 3000 pounds of sculpture on a 16′ trailer behind a rented pickup, maybe not…nonetheless, worriedly waiting on that, L. texted Willey that they’d be late

[of course, after a twelve hour day at the County shop, he was likely to be late with the crane anyway] though how late nobody could say and as the sun dipped down at seven no five o’clock

anything was in evidence though they arrived from their Waze-inflicted adventure [four hours + from Winnemucca being only slightly longer than taking the pavement would have] shortly,

giving us just enough time to untie “Cloak” before Willey and his equally tapped-out accomplice

pulled in to rig and place it without further ado.  L. and I were relieved it went so well as it

was all certainly above and beyond the call to come out at the end of a workday to

accommodate such a sketchily executed project**.

Thursday we gave Don and Daisy a tour of the park and they then headed off on their own,

ostensibly to see Pyramid Lake [heretofore unknown to them] after I brought them back to the house for a look at an Actual Map as, phone dead, they lacked even their trusty Waze***.

It must have come back on later however as they subsequently overshot, making it possible to post selfies from Lake Tahoe.  Well as they say there was never a Chevy ‘Pyramid’****; P. Lake is definitely more of an acquired taste…Pyramiden being another story.

*To paraphrase Kirk Robertson.

**Truck and trailer were rented the morning of the loading and absolute inflexibility declared as to delivery time here where finding equipment available on workdays can be, um, problematic. Fortunately it worked…this time.

***Yeah right; like you can ALWAYS trust the Israelis, even if they aren’t very well-mannered at funerals not their own.

****Old surfers’ joke, there never having been a Chevy San Onofre for that matter, either.