Monthly Archives: January 2021

Last Year

…from the hibernation station, 2021.  With the moon full and two days to go to year’s end

[or maybe the year’s last full moon, not shown, should be year’s end?] I figured enough’s been said and ruminated over about the period just ending that I don’t need to add my puny

‘pinions to the mix.  We continued our chilly sunny dog-appointed and other rounds all the way

to December 31, morning,


and evening.

Then what?  Early to bed with chills and stomach cramps [not shown]…a person can’t even get a little winter cold anymore without thinking they’re gonna DIE.  As a result, no celebratory pics from the first day of January 2021, a year for which, being O-negative in both blood and

personality I don’t hold out as much hope as much of the media…but hopefully I’ll be wrong

and everything

will be just rosy.  Meanwhile an unpredicted Wet descended upon us, discouraging the inaugural 2021 bikeride down to the jetty but definitely encouraging entropy unto the uncovered

’45 as Christmas decorations, as per Traditions, began to come down come the New Year, though some of the lights remained.  Twinkle twinkle, a hey hey.

The other question, in terms of things coming down, is how Demockeracy vs. Trump will play out over the next week as more and more of the Followers fall into lockstep behind the Leader’s delusions…gee, we now even have Ted Cruz up there leading the pack.  Remember back when his now-buddy accused his daddy of being part of the Plot that Killed Kennedy?*  Being a Miami Cuban that might not be that far off…the Donald’s said a few other things, like “it’s all rigged, folks” that sometimes strangely resonate.  And sometimes, like now, don’t work out for him after all.  “January sixth, see you in DC” tweets the twit…for what, exactly?

Like, ok, in the new year we’re gonna suddenly turn a corner and the close to half the population behind the guys dedicated to tearing this country, or what I grew up naively believing this country was, apart are magically going to shut up and fade away now that they lost an election and a few dozen court battles?  I’ll respectfully try to believe it when I see it.

Oh yeah…

*actually he said that about the much more reasonable Marco Rubio; Cruz is a Good Texas Trumpist…until the time comes to stick the Trumpster in the dumpster.