Monthly Archives: October 2017


Days of smokes and the refineries’ opportunistic outgassing continued as I reluctantly left

Leftydog [for his own good sez L.]

and crossed the valley to Heather Glen,

then over the hill for a brief roadside lunch on 49,

gas as always at Hallelujah Junction and another pause

at Sand Pass, where History has been redacted

by fire to eliminate the old RR bunkhouse after what must have been a hundred years.

Up the desert [a fancy little plane parked by the road at Bonham with the Sheriff tearing down as I go up]…some smoke at Wall and the same come morning but otherwise fairly fine fall days

around and about…I checked in on the Holiday Rambler

and lunched at the pond in a t-shirt.

Thursday morning the sun shone red the length of the hall at 7:30.

A small plane flew over around 11:15 but I didn’t see it.

A blue Tacoma drove partway up to the upper spring, but was gone later.

Yesterday’s Fedex, “left on porch”, turned up out at the gate; substitute driver.

Mysterious leavings on the road to the playa [didn’t get to the playa];

Wind blew away the smoke, brought clouds.

Night fell, windy and black.

In early morning, taking off-the-clock advantage of the i-net, a tremendous storm storms in; winds whip rain, more winds and rains. Awake awhile – past three probably – Aggie uncharacteristically scared, things thumping and rattling outside.

Morning left leaves everywhere; walk wet leafy muddy land in bright light, snow on peaks.

A train at breakfast; dishes.

Complicated watercolors and “Travels in Siberia’ [not shown]…

At three out

to open gate for Fedex, who came via Lovelock so isn’t here until dark and still has to make a last Friday delivery thirty miles the other side of Gerlach

Rain squalls through in lieu of late walk; after the shades [shades for summer] came I went in dark after dinner to close gate…no one’s expected until Carson Pump on Monday.