at least for now, though mudslides and floodtides remain problematic
all across the earth of California it’s said.
Powdercoating, however, does not present a problem; just puzzles for L. and Scott to puzzle
over after Alfredo loads the 12×24’s back up for a shop in Concord [automotive interlude] and
I venture to Safeway, where this one lives;
Wednesday my brother Kirk drove over from Truckee in constant rain [having driven over there the day before in constant rain], stopped off for lunch and continued home to Half Moon Bay
in the constant rain.
Thursday brought more of the same,
constant rain until Friday
lunch, outside for the first time in weeks, followed by a trip to the art ghetto of the arsenal, where Arts Benicia’s annual “Art of Everybody” was reassuringly less depressing
than the aspirant galleries and wannabes of Oakland last week…our little town surprising me pleasantly.
The fine weather also presented the opportunity for shooting the last of the last roll of [actual] film in my old Nikon, documenting the ’45…after over fifty years of film, the end, my friend. Although these aren’t those, being the usual digitalis, I finished. Sigh.
A good day and excuse to unwrap the little truck
and visit friends…
Wetness remained, but days without it were forecast as we cast about…
…so off to Oakland for that weekly visit,
this time to the Book Fair
…and a last dinner with Rick, which in addition to some very fine sea bass
[not shown], netted this mysterious image;
Sunday, though frozen in the house, was another good day to be outside and
witness more storms’ flotsam flotting up the shoreline.
The sunshine lured some interesting machinery out to the local taverns while
allowing Linda’s coloration of multiple parts
…as we ignore the obvious to enjoy the immediate.