The last showed up bright and breezy through buggy windows, days to pump water – two feet in four hours on Friday but after six a full tank on the 31st,
a last late lunch on the porch, a breezy bright walk…
and eight for New Year’s Eve dinner and vids.
Following goose soup and Linda’s “My Misspent Youth Proved To Be a Good Investment” Christine showed videos in progress from her Santa Fe residency after which the crowds dispersed
and with a last glass of champagne we actually lasted past midnight to welcome 2017, wherever ye may lead, ulp, ulp. Ulp.
Rising late, the First Day accommodated a leisurely lunch interspersed with small collapses to alleviate the lingering effects of the Night Before as well as the malingering KC Cold all of which conspired to preclude further partying in favor of a more moderate and interior afternoon,
with time in the studio, for observing, mostly.
So the sun sets on the First Day;
…to rise, as might have been foreseen, on the Second;
…a day ending in a rather raucous dinner for ten [not shown] of Christine’s astounding chili
making the Third, which came up icy in the valley,
yet again rather dim, -inished and quiet into the night.
Well, such is the New Year, so far, really…