[This is a real big deal for us, and though it’s sobering to hear from a curator who knows a lot more artists than we do that it isn’t exactly unique among practitioners of a certain [our] age to be employing similar strategies here we are breaking ground on what will essentially be a great big box for the containment of our lives’ works. Because, though it’s a bit of a stretch, we can…it’s either this or the arroyo right now, but come posterity, hey, who knows?]
Tuesday up early in the cold to walk and the crew soon after…
Then before ten the first truck…first mud;
second truck soon after, backing in as first cleans out…
…and third, after I’d left to attend to watercolors, all poured before noon though finishing took most of the rest of the day…
Halfway there; after waiting until near dark to cover it all go home to Bruno’s and we are left alone.
Wednesday, warmer, first one before nine, the rest in quick well-choreographed succession…
… the third looking very much the same as the first and all out before eleven…
…by 3:30 covered up, packed up, cleaned up and gone.
Many thanks to Joe Machado, Rich and his crew; Cowboy, Tony and the rest for a most strenuous and efficacious three days’ work…
Finally another trip to fenceline’s edge, home to eat on the porch after a small rain, listening to the CD UPS brought in at dusk…highly recommended; “Human Remains”, Terry Allen…especially those last three tracks.