It does seem whoever made this thing was a little unclear on the concept of Teeth, understandably given actual examples are somewhat scarce on the ground in NW NV, though it’s certainly cute enough for reassessment;
…but anyway, back to binins, heading south, Saturday 22 November; the first hour or so after lunch the muddy road definitely iffy until it climbed out Long Valley’s southern end, becoming snowy whenever it gained a few dozen feet for the passes…
Furthering south we traversed Antelope flat and rounded Hart Mountain [yet another Hart Mountain – not the one of the Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge in Oregon; ‘antelope’ abound, if only in name; the feral horses out-competed ’em long ago, here and there both] by which time we were wetly retracing my October day trip, turning off to what I had, at the time, thought was Little High Rock Cow Camp but the map here sez is Denio Camp Springs, which proved almost a disaster as things were extremely soggy and the high ground even slipperier than the flats…fortunately this was figured out in time to get turned around and out…hence “almost”.
We successfully regained 34 for some moments of patchy sunlight, photo ops, and yet more snow-dusted nameless passes…
… icy winds, caged petrified wood, the High Rock Lake road wisely not taken [nor shown], etc.
Our earthly [borrowed] vehicle before the Leadville grade and the fortuitously, given all that preceded it, dry descent into Leadville Canyon;
…so out to Hualapai and subsequent pavement. Eschewing Bruno’s we circumvented Gerlach in favor of beers on the Wall Spring porch and as dogs kept close track of that backup camera the last light left the Granites…
This was followed followed by Banana Ratwing BBQ chicken and a somewhat earlier night. Sunday saw the anticipated early departure for Mill Valley by the boys as planned, leaving me to daily watercolors and other minor maintenance…