lastish days…



First off for the last of days and despite a certain diminishment after enjoying an evening  among friends watching Mike Metz’ Makerbot botting up a 2 3/4″ facsimile ’50 Chevy 3600

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we rolled belatedly into Walsenburg where after various distractions we found one small UPS parcel from the many several delivered to divers locations last week remained at home in the shop, rendering shelf assembly impossible, although I did manage to sort and catalog enough paintings to reach the current century.


The director of Walsenburg’s uniquely idiosyncratic Museum of Friends came by to announce that his Chevy-powered TR4 [not shown] will arrive Thursday from Blende,


saw “Sex and Drugs and Sex from the 80s” over the couch and asked to borrow it for the MOF, so away it went in the bed of his ancient red Tacoma between rains


as we sloshed home…




… to life in the clouds; an “early winter”?


Thursday the clouds lifted and I was off to La Veta for Appointments,



with a glimpse of the orphan butte from afar, then through a glass darkly the late Robert Sussman’s paintings, whose memorial, despite a life much lived in New York, was  – long story – held at the Parkside in L.V.


Between appointments, backstreets…


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then back to Libre, starving and stuck behind the UPS truck the length of 620


…a long way, as if when one overtakes someone on a dirt road it just means one’s been in a hurry to catch up, slow down ten or twenty miles an hour, and eat dirt until they decide to turn off.


Surviving that I retired to the studio, rendering myself comatose with “Apocalypse Across the Sky”, until yet another barbecue-discouraging downpour…

Version 2


and finally Friday we got in a damp and mushroomy walk up the creek to the unceasing accompaniment of the Motherfucking Overflying Assholes [MOA] who’ve been at it all week [so missing out on three days wasn’t such a loss], keeping us Safe from Peace and Quiet while every sortie sucks taxpayer resources away from healthcare, education, infrastructure and social services.  A small price to pay for [attempted, if laughably unsuccessful] World Domination…


At long last some studio time ensued, and without the trance music [Dust to Digital’s “Music of Morrocco” from Paul Bowles’ Library of Congress tapes had evoked profound hashish flashbacks for hours on end – highly recommended ] I even managed to stay awake for some of it


…the brilliant afternoons probably helped as well.


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Friday evening; Saturday morning to the Trifecta,



afternoon down the sunflower meadow

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and Sunday another foray to the forest for an early flash of fall;



…then two hours of digital grandparenting;

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followed by the first [first!] trip to the Lone Pine of the summer now that summer’s near over;





Well, we made it once, anyway…






9 thoughts on “lastish days…

  1. Kirk Moore

    Great shots as usual.
    As previously requested, kindly send some of that torrential rain to our parched Golden State (at least to remaining areas that are not blackened by fires, because that would only cause charcoal mudslides), but do keep those annoying MOAs to yourself.
    Glad you made it to the Lone Pine…great view from up there, but a pretty tough trail.

    1. mikesmoore Post author

      Wish we could send you these August rains for sure…we’re getting our belated share, for sure.
      Wish we’d made it to the Lone Pine more, too; hard to believe not so long ago that was a DAILY ritual!

  2. bryan

    that sculpture with the logs is so similar to a piece that i did at the University of Santa Cruz in 1971,
    the concept also showing up in New York (but with metal I beams) that i want to sue for being ripped off

  3. Janet

    I could not wrap my head around the idea of a 3-d printer until I finally saw one at work at an exhibit in Scotland…truck impressive…but still can’t imagine reproducing that way…so slow for now.
    What I particularly liked: clouds with shockingly blue sky, new work, boat in barrel with watery landscape in background. I too, can’t imagine spending 2 hours on SKYPE! ….. even though grandchild is very charming to look at!

    1. mikesmoore Post author

      MM [whose work looks nothing like that little truck, whose fashioning kept us entertained going “nyrrt-nyrryt-nyrrt” all through dinner] works up maquettes for his sculptures on the printer and can do other work as it bots away…like come up with ideas for more sculptures, an endless cycle, potentially.

      As for two hours digitally grandparenting, when it’s all you get it has to do. Plus it’s actually less time-consuming than flying to New York even though the grandchild is much more charming in person.


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