Monthly Archives: August 2023

Thursday, Thursday…

Thursday [after Linda’s repeat trip to Pueblo for Wednesday’s dentist] we took Yellowstone over to La Veta for lunch with old friends at Legends, the northern outpost of New Mexico’s San Marcos Cafe and Feed Store, where aside from somewhat weirdly abrupt behavior from

the midlife S[?]WM waitstaff the enchiladas were good, the salsas definitively west of the Pecos  [real chiles, little cornstarch] and the company of our old friends good as well…the clientele on a weekday afternoon was decidedly geriatric but then weren’t we all. Though happily still in better shape than many even I, after we ran into the ‘burg for a week’s groceries and returned for

a look at some rescued handwrought railings in Mary and Adrienne’s garden [not shown], had a PT appointment before returning through veils of rain to the Gardner Post Office,

then home where it was as if it hadn’t rained at all and

so continued overly warm and windy, necessitating curtains drawn and doors closed

against the the meadow’s heat all day every day for days so

we stayed in, mostly.

Sunday evening we learned that after a long illness David Perkins [aka Izzy], longtime member and one of Libre’s most politically engaged, had not unexpectedly passed away at his home in Santa Fe…the following evening this heavenly conveyance appeared to carry off what remained

of him here, which must have been considerable, given how much of his life he gave to this place.  A long strange life; from Yale with George W. Bush to decades in the mountains of Colorado playing music, writing, speculating in commodities and tracking cattle mutilations …his early years are eloquently documented by Roberta Price in her memoir “Huerfano”; the cattle mutilations came later.

The [ongoing] ending of an era, this.