Last light of a week’s end which wrapped up with a strong flow of water to the drying ponds
but Tire Anxiety persisted so first thing Monday, well still flowing, I eased tentatively
onto Sand Pass Road to 447 to Gerlach to collect my tire, repaired, from behind
Bruno’s former Texaco, threw it in the back,
anxiously pressed on to Sparks and, increasingly confident,
over a hill whose inclement weathers proved to have been much exaggerated.
Made it to Benicia for lunch and by afternoon’s end the tired tires had been replaced with four
10 plys which ought to outlast the lives of us all. Next day a two hour zoom call, Vallejo
for a wash and then the truck to
Alex’s for the outside temp gauge install. Wednesday after Belated Birthday Burritos courtesy
of Kirk and Brenda on what was also the Inkies’ actual second birthdays they dropped me
to retrieve the Tundra so that Thursday
first thing an Incident on 780 could delay the Return to Vallejo. After that and a lengthy wait
for paint at Ned’s I ventured
ALL the way out Green Island Road in search of a 17″ wheel for the second spare [found it].
Week’s end it was out in the ’45 to forage for gas ‘n’ groceries, get said wheel properly en-tired
and collect 132 pounds of Large Breed Dog Food [not shown]. Benicia was in bloom…
So another weekend, windy and promising a warm and crowded downtown,
wherein I finally didn’t have to go anywhere…
hence all this plus
wind and