Monthly Archives: April 2021

Last days [again]

Having squandered the weekend deodorizing the new truck as well as licking its decals off

while comparing it to other outstanding vehicles-around-town

we then embarked on our weekly friend-seeing foray, this time to Muir Beach

where Dave and Abby have been hiding out above the Pacific quite happily

for The Duration and treated us to a lovely lunch punctuated with wonders…

and, although the return was

as always, the day was well worth it…

On the next one we were interviewed and photographed by the very charming folks from the local magazine, dog lovers all, and time will tell whatever beyond a Lost Day that will be, aside

from the fact that at the end of it, entirely by chance, I stumbled upon the Mercer Museum.

Collecting images of Benicia’s odd weird vehicles continued,

some of which might be mine.

Then it was shopping, shopping again, some confusion and shopping again plus the sketchy effort of getting the old campershell onto the new truck, moving into it, laundry and sorting

and loading for ten days away with a break for an all too infrequent visit to the dentist.

There was a last early morning along the water

and next thing ya know we’re in Reno, turning below the Stremmel house for a visit

to the Museum where a person, if things continue as planned, will be having a small exhibition late in the year. I saw the gallery where that’s slated to occur, dropped off prints for the A&E ,

lamented the absence of visitors anywhere but in the [excellent] cafe, and was out of town at 2:22.  My misgivings about the new-to-me truck proved unfounded; it started every time, overtook L. before the dust devils arising from the Empire gyp plant’s waste piles and after

a stop at the Deputy’s in Gerlach for VIN Verification caught up with her again at Wall Spring,

where spring was springing forth…