Monthly Archives: December 2018

Whatnot, again…

Saturday, a grey day,

we walked Aggie to the Parker section house

after which there was just a bit of light before the night.

Sunday Scott pulled in from Colorado around 12:45 in time for lunch after which, still unclear as to whether anyone else would show up, we investigated what we might be able to get off

the truck on our own.  Happily around 2:30 Gary “the Criminal” arrived with, unhappily, an unhelpfully stoned jerk called “Mike” but what was destined for the Repo was nonetheless unloaded within an hour.  Before dinner another hour went to tying off the remainder but sadly come morning my camera, trampled in the excitement, woke up fucked*.

Ah well…the backup camera worked [nominally] ok for the run down the desert,

through Sierra Valley

and over to Benicia

where we emptied and returned the Penske in plenty of time

for the next mass of matter to arrive.

It was an eventfully overcast week

wherein our friend, co-conspirator and esteemed driver [seen here with his mom] saw

his sculpture installed behind Benicia’s finest waterfront restaurant [at which we, incidentally, had recently spendily dined with seldom-seen-[not shown] son Bryan].

Meanwhile the remaining few days went to tiny stolen moments of studio time,


more fog and preparations to get ourselves out of town including but not limited to a quick trip to the auto parts store for much-needed [after our messy trips over the hill] windshield washing

fluid.  But, fun fact, in California it is ILLEGAL to sell de-icing fluid rated below – wait for it! – 32 degrees.  So if a guy happened to be driving somewhere slimy and the temp was, say, about 36 the windchill would likely freeze those nibs in their tracks.  I guess our Enlightened Leaders Know that driving blind in a snowstorm is way better than somebody’s alky uncle getting ill drinking the washer fluid out of the family car…and suing.  Particularly at Christmas.

Hopefully we have enough to make back to where such nonsense doesn’t apply come Saturday, which is soon, or Now.

Merry Christmas/Happiness Holidays, everybody…lay off the de-icers.  Also The Trump…THAT thing’s just ridiculous anyway you look at it.

*Turned out the careful insertion of a knife blade under between the lens cover and the housing solved, or at least alleviated for now, the problem.  Phew.