Monthly Archives: May 2015

NTR…at least until I fell off the ladder, backwards.

But that wasn’t until Friday; the week that was was just the usual, initially dim and -inished from weekend socializings but otherwise the usual rounds of quiet Benicia town …

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…cars and dogs and boats until the windy Tuesday brought a quick trip to the city [quicker than I’d planned, as the ferry schedule’d changed unexpectedly so had to drive but, back in time for lunch, had plenty of it in the p.m. to collect lumber in Vallejo]…

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Thursday, with Linda’s Tacoma, yet again over the hill and up the pavement to offload…

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Building a little wall on rainy Friday I mistook my step and fell to the concrete between the second and third picture, making the sojourn painful from then on…

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The low moved off, leaving snow high up and lower flow from the wells lower down. During Saturday’s wee wee hours the electrical crashed, remedied by a quick reset of the inverter in the a.m. with subsequent sunny days keeping the batteries happy…

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Sunday morning a sleepless night and various other kinds of accidents on Donner made the road home longer, both seeming and in fact…

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But home it was, one last brief stay we assume…