The annual Resuscitation of the Truck, August, 2014;
For our annual Resuscitation of the Truck Ritual and after several benighted attempts on my part [following post-winter battery chargings] to start Trigger by repeatedly pressing down on the dimmer switch Linda fired him right up using the more appropriate starter switch;
We resolved to do a little Sunday morning celebratory drive; radiator fine, oil clean…no brake fluid so I topped off the reservoir though that didn’t seem to make any difference, but, hey, we got that granny low, right? And Linny’s going to be a granny in November, so onwards…Lefty dove right in; he likes old pickups, the older the better, I dunno why, but he always has;
Linda drove up to the saddle, the truck stalled out, fired up…
…and turned around; check that tight turning radius!
Everybody was quite happy although without brakes we rolled backwards almost into the arroyo turning around at home; a quick crunch into first slowed that but then I almost rolled off the hill maneuvering into parking later – a quick crunch into reverse solved that, fortunately, as it was a steeper more slippery slope into a deeper arroyo on the other side of the house. But all’s swell that ends swell…