But what if the pronoun corresponds to the species the White House press secretary identifies with, such as “asshole”? Meanwhile as Doughface and Fuckwit’s Kleptocrat smokeschemes
continue to lay down cover for the Theocracy-in-Waiting [no skin off THEIR noses] it’s all
[Linda’s current reading…not conspiracy “theory”, conspiracy…or like the Walsenburg hooker said regarding the Myth of Sisyphus back when the Huerfano was still sufficiently robust to support professionals; “that ain’t no myth, honey.”] way too much to elaborate on, here…
some being most likely just rank bumbly incoherent incompetence, but that’s how we’re gonna
roll now, MAGA! A Sunday awhile ago at the Arsenal I checked out the estate sale Scott was holding on behalf of his late neighbor upstairs, a glass artist and teacher of some long ago note.
I picked up some factory made glass shelving for the car collection, sad but true…it was another beautiful if windy Benicia day, as was the next wherein
we ended up at Aroma after arranging
for heater repairs which didn’t happen as promised Tuesday though Luz and Izel did, making
Wednesday after various false starts not only heater on the roof in the morning but Evan the electrician at afternoon’s end, setting up for next week’s insurance-mandated panel
replacement…lots of interruptions and more to come along
with Thai food, Threats of Wrath…time for all the cave men to cave IN, eh*? Give in, give up;
will no one but Tammy Duckworth and Janet Mills stand up to these pieces of shit?
Certainly not our esteemed governor here in California, kissing rightwing podcast ass while enthusiastically trashing the California Coastal Commission on behalf of his new besties
Doughface and Fuckwit. Same ol’ same ol’ incremental Democrat Establishment bullshit [as elaborated above] as though hey since they’ve already coopted the mile you can pretend to give ’em the inch. Or maybe Gavin just wants to keep his membership in the billionaire boys club. Of course he does; Neoliberalism uber alles! Well at least we’ll always have Vallejo here in Benicia
of [another] Sunday though by then I’d already been laid low with the flu for three days running and was barely making it out of bed to walk the dogs before falling back into it day unto day.
Missed Luz’ big Saturday barbecue but rallied to search despairingly for Sumi who’d fled the Terrors into the night, fortunately finding her own way home after a desperate hour or so…and so early Monday it was Evan and the inspector, electrical all day, up even earlier Tuesday
for Evan and PGE then round the block to creep back under the covers for a day without power as L., L. and Izel tried breakfasts at Lucca. Evan and helper put in a twelve hour day trying [and almost succeeding] to get everything back up and running and although the “minor” short which burnt a hole through the metal cover kept Linda’s crucial studio spaces offline**
the rest were lit by a bit after dark…after which, all and sundry feeling rather let down,
I crept back to bed to wake at four beginning
to sense recovery.
Finally, maybe***.
*I’ve friends who seem to believe that the Dems caused the LA fires by siphoning money off to trans and homeless people, and who can argue with that? How, even? Brilliant, Mr. Bannon, but now what?
**Turned out the the washer and dryer were off as well, not discovered until two days later.
***”Maybe” being the operative word here…