Life after grandchild

the sadder day at least afforded some sunshine for the trove of ‘shrooms…

or maybe that had to await Sunday; I forget.

We did, with dogs, make it to the LoPine that day,

passing an Old Grow going up and a Real Estate Opportunity on the way down.

Then it all turned decidedly wetter, again

…and sunnier. Again,

dogs on the road to another sundown…

Rain every [not shown] afternoon and summer’s sunflowers, head high, and still growing.

Community service, our tiny task being the excavation of the rocky rotten rear of the library…

and subsequent refilling with the addition of some historic tin from the Habib Building

all watched over by cauliflower clouds of ambiguous intent, if the Grand Doo-dah doesn’t nuke Venezuela in the interim, all the best until next time.




7 thoughts on “Life after grandchild

    1. mikesmoore Post author

      You’re both right, of course…though we do have to venture down onto the plains for provisions on occasion. Internet, inflammatory books and Instagram remain, as ever, addictive…

  1. Janet

    Cauliflower clouds…saw a lot in Austin. So envious of your rain as I struggle to keep my garden alive. Also loved the little cluster of deceptively furry cacti!


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