"Auto Biographies and Every House I Ever Lived In"

A 128 page book of 89
"Auto Biographies" plus 22 drawings of
"Every House I Ever Lived in from Memory" has been published under my Wall Spring Press imprint in a first printing of 750 signed and numbered copies.
Together these two series comprise an idiosyncratic, illustrated account of my life in cars, houses, and, increasingly, life experiences [for those interested enough to decipher the text] up to the present day. On the other hand, taking text as texture, there are close to three hundred little line drawings floating among the scrawled letters that should be pleasure enough.
Wall Spring Press is offering this oversize perfect-bound book [which is, though smaller than the original pen and ink drawings, generously sized at 15x12"] for $50.00 plus $3.82[CA tax} + $8.00 s&h.
A deluxe edition with a signed, numbered and titled epson enhanced matte print facsimile of one of the original drawings [14.5 x 8.5 " for Auto Bios; Houses 13x11"] is available for $130.00 plus $9.92[CA tax] + $15.00 s&h while supplies last [the prints are a limited edition of two].
Anyone interested in this project should
contact me directly as soon as possible as supplies are limited.
Many Thanks,
Michael Moore
Early accolades for Michael Moore's "Auto biographies and Every House I Ever Lived In"
"I picked up the book... and from the first pondering - wow spectacular! congratulations! the whole thing is perfect." Mary W. - Novato, CA
"Been reading the book ... How many have survived a self made journey of that complexity intact and can recollect it at all, let alone at that level of detail? Very few. There's simply not enough years and underfunded grit to actually live it AND make real art about it for all but a determined few as opposed to the just talk that most of the poser-heroes do. BRAVO!" - Seth T., Portland, Oregon
"It's gorgeous and overwhelming. It's going to take a long time to digest. I'm so glad to have it." - Stephen H., Bronx NY